Mark Jacob
Cisco Instructor

Interface Technical Training
Mark Jacob, a Cisco instructor from Interface Technical Training uses CT for his business, but not how we expected…
Tell us a bit about your company
Interface Technical Training offers a wide range of technical training for a range of solutions from Microsoft to Cisco and as well as various security systems.
How did you hear about CT Networks?
At the time, I was using Meraki to manage my MR12 device. It was easy to use but once my licence ran out, I lost the management ability. So I started looking for information on how to use my device on OpenWRT. After testing this, I also found CT’s instructions and gave it a go.
What do you use CT Networks for?
Apart from being able to continue using my Meraki AP, the CT dashboard adds values to my networking classes. I use the dashboard to demo networking problems that could occur and how to resolve them.
What's your favourite feature?
I find the dashboard incredibly useful. To be able to manage, diagnose and resolve my networking issues over the cloud is very handy.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Here’s a blog about my experience — transforming a Meraki AP into a CT AP.
CT WiFi is a cloud based WiFi management platform for businesses. The firmware gives consumer-grade WiFi access points enterprise-like capabilities. Or you can utilise the captive portal solution with your existing infrastructure.