Jonathan Coole
Infrastructure Technician

How Exmoor National Park Use CT WiFi
Jon is responsible for the ICT at Exmoor National Park. We’re quite jealous of his job as he gets to work in the park which is beautiful. He talks to us about why they use CT WiFi.
Who are Exmoor National Park?
We’re a local authority so we serve the public. We’re here to conserve the parks for everyone to enjoy.
Why do you use CT WiFi?
To manage the guest Wi-Fi at the visitor centres remotely. We don’t want the staff on site to be responsible for managing the Wi-Fi access points. The fact I can manage all the sites from one web browser gives the IT team the control and saves me driving 25 miles between each site to change a setting or reboot a box.
We use the guest splash pages to make it easy for visitors to connect. We’re a local authority so it’s important we cater for all types of users. We didn’t want a complicated login process as it wouldn’t serve the public well. We also use the captive portal and content filtering settings to prevent abuse and cover us for any illegal downloads.
What do you like about CT WiFi?
The fact it saves me time. I don’t want to devote hours of my week to managing the Wi-Fi network so the web interface is a real time saver. If I want to make a change it takes me seconds. The management zones really speed this up. You put multiple APs into a zone and change the settings across that zone. You make one change instead of 20.
The who’s online stats show me the network is running correctly so if there’s an issue I don’t need to drive to site to fix it.
There are also features in there that make the network run smoothly — like being able to schedule a regular reboot for the access points. This keeps them ticking over and prevents them crashing.
What do you love about CT WiFi?
There’s no licence cost.
Anything else you’d like to add?
It’s IT and things do go wrong so I like being able to speak to the support team. They’re really helpful and will fix something for me on the spot if they can.
CT WiFi is a cloud based WiFi management platform for businesses. The firmware gives consumer-grade WiFi access points enterprise-like capabilities. Or you can utilise the captive portal solution with your existing infrastructure. Create a free account and check it here ct-networks.io